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Substack Now Accepts Bitcoin Payments on Lightning Network

Substack, a highly popular online publishing platform, has recently announced that it accepts Bitcoin payments on Lighting Network and on-chain, which are powered by OpenNode.

A select group of crypto-focused publications can now enjoy instant, low cost payments. Readers can pay for subscriptions to these publications with Bitcoin, and the publications can retain earnings in Bitcoin or have them converted to preferred currency.

We’re excited to be working with OpenNode to enable independent publishers on Substack to accept crypto payments. Having this option will give writers more flexibility and freedom, and we look forward to doing more in crypto to meet writers’ needs.


Nick Inzucchi, Product Designer at Substack

Substack currently has more than 500,000 paying subscribers. The community of readers can directly subscribe to their favorite writers, as well as supporting them directly via paid subscriptions.

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