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Searching for On-chain Data is as Easy as Googling With the Ora Search Engine

In order to make blockchain technology more approachable to non-technical users, a team from Solana’s summer camp hackathon has developed a new blockchain search engine called Ora.

On August 18, the development team introduced the new search engine, demonstrating to users that it can search complicated queries and on-chain data with natural language.

With queries like “Show me all successful Jupiter Exchange swaps between 42 and 420 SOL from 2 days ago”, the sentence instructs the search engine to filter transactions by time range (2 days ago), destinations or sending address (Jupiter Exchange), and amount (between 42 and 420 SOL). 

Ora recognizes the needs from the query and ordering transactions by balances before giving the user the requested summary.

SQL knowledge is often a necessity to search data for transactions. The project team comes to a realization that non-technical users are not able to use the SQL search dashboards.

The Ora team decided to provide a tool to allow non-tech-savvy users to run SQL searches on on-chain data, to expand the usage of crypto beyond the technological knowledge userbase.

The team intends to provide all crypto users an experience similar to Google. The project team mentioned people and firms who had also considered making a crypto search engine while announcing the release of Ora.

Ora is claimed to be a “complementary piece of existing infrastructure”, according to the project team, and they stated the search engine is already fitted with Solana’s block explorers.

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