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New Head Chef Jared Grey Wins the SushiSwap Election by a Landslide

An on-chain vote resulted in the appointment of Jared Grey, former CEO of EONS and a blockchain consultant, as the new Sushi Head Chef.

Majority of the Sushi tokens holders voted in favor of Grey, while Andy Forman came in second with only 12.5% of the vote.

Grey hopes to revitalize the SushiSwap ecology by drawing on his experience working for the biggest natural mineral miners in the U.S.

He stands out from other candidates with his highly vocal opinion about asset-backed coins. Asset-backed tokens are “one of the largest untapped liquidity sources yet to come on chain… it’s going to be the next run on liquidity,” said Grey in an open mic session during his campaign.

Grey went on to discuss the onerous stance on securities within the framework of U.S. regulation. Sushi should position itself to “capture liquidity and market share” when asset-backed tokens become more readily available as their structure has become more transparent.

The new Sushi Head Chef thanked the community on Twitter for their support and praised the “lean & tenacious” Sushi team after being appointed, saying it is his responsibility to assist them in their growth.

Grey believes that the DeFi industry is in turmoil, as it receives greater regulatory scrutiny, bearish economy outlook, and “a strange post-COVID aura.” Grey concluded his Twitter thread by saying he is looking forward to the future of DeFi and that Sushi will be “bigger and better than before.” He is confident that he will be able to use twenty years of engineering and consulting knowledge to guide Sushi through these challenges.

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