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Judge Rules Names of Co-Signers of SBF’s $250M Bond Can Be Unsealed

United States District Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled has ruled that the names of the two co-signers of Sam Bankman-Fried’s $250 million bail bond can be made public. However, the names of these two persons or entities would remain under seal until February 7 so that the defendants can file a review petition.

Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) who was extradited to the US after a brief stay in a Bahamas jail escaped landing in a US prison thanks to this heft bail bond. SBF who has been charged with 8 criminal offenses by the US prosecutors for his role as the CEO of FTX was allowed to stay at his parent’s house in California. According to the terms of the bail, SBF can’t leave the country and he must bear a GPS device on his wrist for tracking purposes. 

The bail bond was signed by three individuals, one of them was SBF’s father. And, the names of the two other signers were kept under seal at the request of SBF’s lawyers. Amid intense public interest in the case, several media organizations including The New York Times and The Washington Post filed petitions seeking to unseal the names of the co-signers of the bail bond. 

Although no money has been paid towards the bail surety, it came under sharp focus for the high-value bail bond. 


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