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The World’s First Decentralized Finance Book “How to DeFi” is Now Available

CoinGecko, a website specializing in aggregating cryptocurrency market data and fundamental analysis, has just released a book titled “How to DeFi”. It is considered as the first and most detailed book covering the DeFi ecosystem up to date.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) or Open Finance may be defined as the movement that leverages the decentralized and transparency features of Blockchain to create an open financial platform. In particular, everyone can access and use it anywhere and anytime without being governed by any centralized individual or organization. DeFi has now proved its potential to be one of the fastest-growing sectors in crypto space.

Packed with concise and comprehensive step-by-step instructions on getting started with various decentralized financial applications, “How to DeFi” supplies both newcomers as well as seasoned veterans in the crypto world with a great introduction to decentralized finance and reference materials to get deeper in the field.

The book was the culmination of hours of research by the CoinGecko team, which include 7 members: Darren Lau, Daryl Lau, Teh Sze Jin, Erina Azmi, Kristian Kho, TM Lee, and Bobby Ong. The team has been working on the blockchain ecosystem for 6 years. They have contributed to the crypto community numerous valuable reports as well as articles and in-depth talks.

TM Lee, CEO of CoinGecko shared: “As the cryptocurrency landscape matures, CoinGecko is committed to growing our data aggregation tracker to reflect the need for this market further.”

The book is now sold on Amazon and CoinGecko at $14.99. In particular, to show gratitude to supporters in the first month of release, CoinGecko will be making this book available for free digital downloads.Interested readers can access the following link to get a copy of the book: https://landing.coingecko.com/how-to-defi/

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