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Bitkub highlights the significance of Web3.0 at the Huawei Connect 2022 

At the Huawei Connect 2022 event, Bitkub Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd. emphasized the significance of Web3.0 and trending technology.

Passakorn Pannok, CEO of Bitkub Blockchain Technology Co., Ltd., considers it an honor to be a part of this event and to share some useful information about the evolution of websites and trending technology.

The 7th annual Huawei flagship event for the global ICT industry was held in Bangkok, with the theme “Unleash Digital” this year. Over 10,000 ICT industry experts and partners attend the event to demonstrate, explore, and strengthen digital technology and community.

Passkorn delivered a keynote speech about Web3.0 and blockchain technology on the occasion of being invited to attend this event. He divided his keynote speech into five topics.

The first topic is Website Evolution. According to Passakorn, previously only a few users could access Web1.0, which marks the beginning of the website era that functions as one-way communication with Javascript and HTML support.

After a few years, Web2.0 has become very popular, emphasizing user-generated content and end-user interoperability; we can communicate with each other in two-way communication. With the integration of blockchain technology, we can virtually own the content and digital asset; it enables a trustless society by eliminating the middleman.

The second topic is the GameFi and Metaverse Concept, in which Passakorn emphasized the role of GameFi and Metaverse in generating more real-world use-cases for Web3.0. Users can truly own the digital asset and interact with one another on the platforms to create a mini digital economy.

Then he shared his thoughts on the concept of a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) built with source code. It is a bottom-up organization that has no central authority. The smart contract was integrated into the structure and coded to govern the community in order to eliminate some human errors in decision-making.

Passakorn afterward discussed Web 3.0 and DApps on Bitkub Chain. Bitkub Chain currently hosts several decentralized applications (DApps), including Bitkub NEXT, Bitkub NFT, Bitkub Social DAO, EarnKUB, and Bitkub Metaverse.

He explained that Bitkub NEXT is a decentralized digital wallet based on Bitkub Chain that is available in 80 countries around the world. There are currently over 1 million users registered in the wallet.

Bitkub NFT is the primary non-fungible token (NFT) platform that stores data on blockchain technology, keeps transaction records, and allows users to virtually own digital assets (NFT).

Bitkub Social DAO uses blockchain technology to record voting polls, allowing users to vote and participate in activities. This will also add more utilities to the NFT.

EarnKUB is a Bitkub Chain platform that allows users to claim rewards in the form of KUB Coin or other special NFTs for completing missions in both the physical and digital worlds, such as attending events or holding NFTs.

Bitkub Metaverse is a land beyond imagination that allows you to experience a new dimension of reality. It will be a hub for businesses, entertainment, tourism, culture, and education. Bitkub Metaverse will provide a futuristic experience by utilizing cutting-edge technology such as Web3 and blockchain.

Passkorn closed his speech by discussing the efficiency of the Bitkub Chain with the help of Huawei Cloud. He arrived at the conclusion that Huawei Cloud is the first Web3.0 solution on Bitkub Chain. It is a service for developing Web3.0 solutions, with Huawei Cloud Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) powering 90% of Bitkub Chain’s infrastructure and 70% of official projects, potentially saving 35% on costs.

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