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Here’s How Atari is Making its Foray into Blockchain Gaming

US-based gaming and entertainment behemoth Atari is collaborating with Arkane Network, a blockchain tech service provider that helps gaming developers to customize their APIs, wallets, digital game assets and more, to integrate Atari tokens into its network. Gaming developers will have the option to use Atari tokens as a medium for buying, selling and trading game assets, according to Atari’s press release.

“Atari has always been a pioneer in the video game industry and it is great to see how they understand blockchain technology’s increasing role in the development of the economic landscape within video games and entertainment,” said Tim Dierckxsens, CSO & Co-Founder of Arkane. 

Atari first announced its token sale in March this year, with its presale round open for qualified investors only before the tokens are available for public purchase, scheduled for summer 2020. Along with the Atari token launch, the company plans to open a cryptocurrency casino by September 2020. 

Issued by Atari Chain, Ltd (Gibraltar), a company equally owned by Atari and the ICICB Group, Atari’s namesake tokens will also be available in a blockchain game, “The Sandbox” and subsequently in PC games and games developed by third-party developers, which is what Atari is aiming to achieve with the partnership with Arkane.

“With this partnership, we will bring game developers, the gaming community, and the Atari brand together to embrace blockchain technology as a solution to record digital assets and value transactions,” Dierckxsens shared.

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